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Academic Resources

St. Mary Magdalene offers the following academic support for our students.

Resource Teachers

One full-time and one part-time faculty member work with students in reading and math in kindergarten through eighth grade.  Students are referred to these teachers on an as-needed basis.

Curriculum Assistance

We offer a three-day elective for 7th and 8th grade students led by our resource teachers.  These students receive individual and small-group test preparation, homework help and study skills lessons.  

Curriculum Assistance is offered two days a week in 6th grade. Students must be invited to enroll in CA.  


Many of our teachers are available after school for individual tutoring or group help sessions.

Speech and OT

Parents contract directly with a provider that will work with the classroom teachers and pull children from class for therapy.  All providers must be Level C through the Safe Environment process.

Summer Reading