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2025-26 Admissions

Due to high demand, St. Mary Magdalene Catholic School has temporarily closed Preschool & Elementary (K-5) applications for the 25-26 school year.  Applications may re-open in March if seats are still available.  

Applications remain open for Middle School (6-8).

Click HERE to schedule an individual tour to visit our campus!

Email to learn more!

Thank you for your interest in St. Mary Magdalene Catholic School where we pray, we learn, and we care. Interested in becoming a Monarch? Here’s how: 


Admissions Process

  • Contact Lisa Portland, Recruitment & Marketing Officer, at 919-657-4800 x 7296 or email
  • Schedule your Tour
  • Submit an application
You will need to acquire and upload the following documents to your application. If you have any trouble in doing so, please email them to the Admissions Office.
  • Birth Certificate (Birthday cutoff is August 31. example: to apply to Kindergarten you must be 5 BEFORE or on August 31)
  • Catholic Baptismal Certificate (if applicable)
  • Current Report Card
  • Standardized Test (EOG/IOWA grades 3 and up, MClass/IStation/Dibels grades 2 and lower.)
  • IEP/504 plan/Psychoeducational Testing (if applicable)
  • Teacher Referral (Grades 1-8), Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (K)
  • Parish Ministry Form (if applicable) StMM school does not determine your eligibility for the Catholic-affiliated Tuition Discount. That is determined by your Catholic Parish based on their own requirements. You will apply directly with the parish in which you are registered with.
  • NC Health Assessment & Immunization Record (can be submitted after applying if necessary)
  • $130 NON-REFUNDABLE fee

After submitting your application, you will be contacted to schedule a Student Shadow Day or Webex Interview (Out of Town Applicants)

  • Students will complete a written assessment (writing prompt, reading passage, and math questions) & participate in an interview with an Administrator during their Shadow Day.