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Parent School Organization

Parent School Organization (PSO)


The Parent School Organization (PSO) is comprised of all parents/guardians of St. Mary Magdalene Catholic School students - every parent/guardian is a member! 

The PSO's main goal is to build community within the school by sponsoring fun family activities, offering volunteer programs that enhance our Catholic faith, and coordinating fundraising efforts to benefit the school, students, and teachers. We are grateful for the support and participation of all the parents, students, teachers and staff who make our school a special place to pray, learn, and care.

Some of our annual PSO events include: 

- Oktoberfest
- Trunk or Treat
- Mother/Son Dance
- Student Dances
- Sleigh Ride
- Daddy/Daughter Dance
- 8th grade Dance
- Staff Appreciation (luncheons, gifts, etc.)
- Catholic Schools Week

Parent involvement is a great asset to the StMM dynamic. The PSO invites you to volunteer your time and talents throughout the year. We value any time or treasure that you are able to contribute and appreciate the dedication that you show to our StMM community!  

If you have any questions regarding the PSO or how you can help, please feel free to email  


Erin Bonasso, PSO President

Looking to volunteer or have questions about an event?  
Please contact




Join us for the annual Monarch Masters on Monday, March 24th! This event offers the opportunity to spend an afternoon at beautiful MacGregor Downs, in fellowship with the StMM community, all while supporting the efforts of our very active PSO!

Participate and/or sponsor HERE.

Hurry! Monarch Masters sells out every year!

Stmm Service project saturdays


Please see the latest newsletter for sign up info.

We look forward to serving at St. Andrew the Apostle as a school family and supporting Brown Bag Ministry!

Treat a Teacher

Looking for a great way to say thank you to an StMM teacher or staff member?   Families can now buy a delicious lunch from our very own cafeteria for any teacher, TA or staff member!  Click HERE to treat a teacher to lunch!

Volunteer for a PSO Committee

Parent involvement is a great asset to the StMM dynamic. The PSO invites you to volunteer your time and talents throughout the year. We value any time or treasure that you are able to contribute and appreciate the dedication that you show to our StMM community. We understand how hectic life can be and hope you see your volunteering as a great example to your children that can only enhance your entire family’s experience at StMM.

The PSO has many great and different opportunities to help and serve, and we are sure that you will find an area that fits. The PSO does so much throughout the year, and it wouldn’t be possible without volunteers, so please consider giving some time, big or small, to any of the vast opportunities we have available. For more information or to sign up to volunteer for one of our committees, please email