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23-24 Carpool

Carpool Guide 2023-24

Morning Arrival Procedures 7:40am-8:05am
*Students must report to homeroom by 8:05am.  Students who arrive after 8:05am, must have a parent walk them into school and sign them in through the front office.

Option #1- Park and Escort Child to Main Entrance
All PreK3-8th grade parents are permitted to park in the front parking lot and walk students to the front entrance of the school.  If choosing this option, you must enter the parking lot through the Town Side Drive entrance.  For safety reasons, all students (PK3-8th grade) must be accompanied by an adult as they walk from the parking lot to the front entrance of the school. Please use the carpool lane if you do not wish to walk your child to the entrance.
Option #2 - Walkers
Students who live in the surrounding area are permitted to walk to school.  K-5 students must be escorted by parents.  Town Side Drive and surrounding areas are not designated vehicle drop off areas for our students and StMM faculty and staff are not permitted to monitor students arriving from Town Side Drive, including assisting students with crossing the street or regulating traffic.  

Option #3 - Carpool Drop-Off
All Prek3-8th grade parents can use carpool to drop off students in the morning.  All cars must enter through the Apex Barbecue Road entrance. Please follow the flow of traffic until you get to the carpool loop in front of the school. There will be staff members to assist students with getting out of cars and into the school.  No carpool tags are needed for morning carpool.


*The back Activities Building parking lot is not an approved drop off location for students.*

Afternoon Dismissal Procedures
*All preschool students must be picked up at 2:45pm.
*K-8 Parents- please follow dismissal procedures for your oldest child*

Preschool Dismissal 2:45pm
All Preschool parents must park and walk up to the school entrance to pick up their children.  Carpool is NOT an option for preschool dismissal.  You are permitted to take your preschool child to the playground while you wait for older siblings.  

Kindergarten- 5th Grade Dismissal 2:55pm
All (K-5) cars utilizing the carpool line must enter through the Apex Barbecue Road entrance and follow the signs based upon grade. K-5th grade parents will make the second right and go through the inside loop. Parents choosing to park to pick up their child must use the Town Side Drive entrance.

6th-8th Grade Dismissal 3:05pm
All 6th-8th grade cars will enter through the Apex Barbecue Road entrance and follow the signs based upon grade. 6th-8th will be making the first right and going though the outside loop. Parents choosing to park to pick up their child must use the Town Side Drive entrance.


As you go through your loop you will see a staff member collecting names, so please have your carpool name tag displayed in an easy to read area on the passenger side of your windshield. 

Walker Dismissal
For families who live within walking distance of the school, children are allowed to walk home.  All K-5 students must have an StMM issued Walker Tag.

*Town Side Drive and surrounding areas are not designated vehicle pick up areas for our students.  Students who live in the surrounding area are permitted to walk home; however, StMM faculty and staff are not permitted to monitor students on Town Side Drive, including assisting students with crossing the street or regulating traffic.  

After Care Program

*Any Preschool student who is not picked up by 2:55pm will be signed in to the After Care Program.

*Any K-8 student who is not picked up by 3:15pm will be signed in to the After Care Program.

*After Care pick up (3:15pm-6:00pm) will take place in the back parking lot of the Activity Building. Contact Amy Hazlett at

Summer Reading